Norseal FS1000 Intumescent Foam: Testing for Fire Resistance, Watertight, and Airtight

Norseal FS1000 Intumescent Foam: Testing for Fire Resistance, Watertight, and Airtight

Stringent testing of our Saint-Gobain Norseal FS1000 Intumescent Foam ensures maximum performance in the areas of fire resistance, water tightness, and air tightness. Norseal FS1000 series is a high-performance foam tape designed with a unique combination of sealing properties which make it expandable and fire resistant, airtight, watertight, compressible and resilient, vibration dampening, conformable, environmentally friendly and easy to install. Please visit our website to learn more: https://www.tapesolutions.saint-gobai…

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